Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Oh, it's winter.
I admit defeat. It is officially too damn cold.
It's winter?
We have a lot of windows, which normally is pretty great. There's nothing I like better on break than to just sit and look out over the water. However, windows are leaky, and with the heat on the fritz, the library pretty quickly equilibrated to the outside temperature. (Or something that felt like it.) No wind, though, so: sucky day but manageable with coats and coffee. (Although: 5 cups without thinking about it in as many hours + everyone else going at about the same rate = so much accomplished, and also a huge line-up at the bathroom.)
Tragically, though, I lost my mittens and hat on the subway and was forced to pick up new ones. The stores were, predictably, pretty picked over, so I ended up with a hat that makes me look more or less like a goofball. ("One size fits all": untrue.) It's got snowflakes and is fleecy and warm and actually I sort of love it and will probably wear it more than necessary.
Monday, February 5, 2007
At least I now know how officially to pronounce his name, though...
Cubby, sweet cubby
New job = awesome. Spy-style time clock aside, the actual job is pretty darn great. The work is actually what I strongly suspect I want to do with my life (which is a pleasant change), and I am enjoying it fully. The people are also pretty great so far, even Eve. Eve is old and says inappropriate things very loudly. My supervisor actually pulled me aside early on my first day to warn me about her. (“Mostly we all just wear headphones. It doesn’t stop her talking, but you can pretend like you don’t hear her and don’t have to respond.”)
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Walking out of the apartment this morning: