Monday, February 5, 2007

Cubby, sweet cubby

New job = awesome. Spy-style time clock aside, the actual job is pretty darn great. The work is actually what I strongly suspect I want to do with my life (which is a pleasant change), and I am enjoying it fully. The people are also pretty great so far, even Eve. Eve is old and says inappropriate things very loudly. My supervisor actually pulled me aside early on my first day to warn me about her. (“Mostly we all just wear headphones. It doesn’t stop her talking, but you can pretend like you don’t hear her and don’t have to respond.”)

Plus, I have a librarian date-stamper all of my own. And a cubby! My cubby has a shelf. This is exciting because I have not been working long enough to be depressed by cubicles and their trappings.

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