Monday, January 29, 2007

Mouse-gate update

The mouse is still on the loose. Somehow, it's willing to climb straight up the side of a two-foot tall trashcan to get at the Reeses wrappers I errantly left in there, but once I put the trap in the bottom, baited with the very same wrappers plus some peanut butter, it wants nothing more to do with it.

I'm feeling better about the situation, though, having watched a show about giant rats in New Guinea. (I desperately wanted to link a picture of these guys here, but with their being rare and all, Google's got nothing. So instead, here's another fancy fauna: the megabat.) Apparently these beasties are the primary source of protein for the indigenous folks of the New Guinean highlands, and what's awesome/fully creepy about them aside from their ginormousness is, they roar. Like actual roaring, like yucky little lions.

Thank you, Animal Planet, for helping me appreciate my teeny little city mouse.

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